How to Write a Book: What you need to know about Story and Plot
Hello Writers! Are you ready to write a book? Today I wanted to share a piece of advice that I found eye-opening. Have you ever wanted to write a book but didn’t know the difference between story and plot? Have you heard others speak about either and not fully understood what they meant by it? I am currently taking a class on writing, and when this section came up, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t learned this yet. I have a bachelor’s degree in Journalism. I took several writing classes while in college and even worked as a writer for a local paper and never knew this. Weird, right? Well, here…
What is the Difference between Story and Plot and How They Make your Book Better?
What is the difference between Story and Plot? The first thing we need to talk about is the difference between STORY and PLOT. YES! There is a difference: Story: How does the main character’s (MC’s) personal goal, misbelief, and/or fear affect their journey, and how does that change the MC in the process? (Story arc) Related Post: Creating People, not Characters (The Basics of Character Development) Plot: The events that take place along the MC’s journey that force the MC to face their goal, misbelief, or fear, thus pushing them to change for better or worse. (Plot arc) Now, think back to your favorite book or movie. Did you love…